Monday, April 14, 2014

hey yo, i'm four months old!!

hazel is 4 months old, whoa!  ok, yesterday was actually her 4-month-birthday, but we're a bit behind on blog posts, so a day late ain't too bad.  it all seems like a weird combination of things moving super fast (hazy's changes and development and cycling through various baby clothes and apparatus) and super slow (wow, it's only been four months??  can i even remember a time before we had a baby??).  it's been an absolutely amazing, tiring, fantastic, heart-exploding (in the best way possible), frustrating (at times), exhausting (in all possible ways), and utterly wonderful four months.  we are enjoying the crap out of our little family, and we love our little girl so unbelievably much!

hazy and barackoli obama- 4 month edition!

i swear jana wasn't doing anything terrifying... even though this photo suggests otherwise...

grandma gets a laugh!

oh heyyyyy, angelina!

cousin angelina and her book are fascinating!

oh hey guys...

can you believe i'm four months old already??

a weekend in the woods... including hazel's first hike!

this past weekend we rented a house in baring, a tiny village on highway 2 in the cascade mountains that was previously only the butt of "baaaaaahhhhh-ring!!" jokes (as in, this is wicked bahring) with my siblings when we drove past it.  but it turns out that there's a cool little rental house with a hot tub and a speakers-in-every-room stereo system right on the riverside!  we were there with our good pals bonnie and ryan (and daughter charlotte) and julie and cam (and daughter sozie).  on sunday we went for a hike to barclay lake, and it was pretty awesome!  the weather was great, and hazel thoroughly enjoyed her first hike in the woods (judging by her amount of looking around... which was lots!).  this bodes well for our trip to kauai in two weeks!

cute outfit courtesy of aunt sarah d and nana!

riverside family pic!  this was the deck of our house for the weekend... not too shabby!

my head is exploding with love!

ready for a hike!

setting off...

on the trail

on the bridge over the raging river! (ok, moderately-moving stream)

happy hikers!

random april cutenesses

it's april.... and here are some random cute pics of hazel and her parentals.
hazy loves the owls... and trying to eat them.

flying baby!

her head may be getting bigger and bigger, but she still has quite a ways to go to catch me...

hazel's favorite toy, the noggin stick, is captivating to all of us...

hazy n mom!